Many organizations are still running Exchange 2007, and it comes as no surprise that transitioning from Exchange 2007 to Exchange 2010 SP2 is one of the hot upgrades nowadays.
In the following video tutorial, we demonstrate how to generate a Certificate signing request in SBS 2011, how to create a StartSSL account, and how to install and test your trusted SSL certificate. As you will see, the validation process at StartSSl web site is fully automated; only the ownership of the domain name, resp. email address are validated, hence the free certificate availability. There is a catch, though. Revoking a StartSSL certificate is not free. For example, if your server crashes, and you need to reissue the certificate, first you have to send a revocation request for the existing one. That process requires human intervention and StartSSL charges a moderate price for it (currently $24.99 USD). Backing up your SSL certificate in this case is crucial, and we demonstrate in our last step, how to export it (with your private key) to a PFX file.
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