We’ve already demonstrated how to install SharePoint 2013 with SQL Server 2014.
In this step-by-step screencast, we demonstrate how to implement Remote Blob Storage (RBS) with SharePoint 2013 and SQL Server 2014.
Out of the box, all files saved to SharePoint are stored in the corresponding content database as Binary Large Objects (BLOBS). Enabling RBS allows you to move the data outside of the SQL Server Database and store it on the local storage system. That brings two major benefits to your configuration:
– Improved SharePoint performance (especially when using fast storage like SSD)
– Reduced SQL Server Database size
The second benefit is especially important when you are using the free SQL Server 2014 Express edition, as you work around the 10GB Database size limit. One of the common misconceptions is that you cannot enable RBS with SQL Server Express edition, or even, that you need SQL Server Enterprise edition when using a two-tier configuration – SharePoint and SQL Server running on separate machines. In our demo, we are using exactly such a two-tier configuration (which you would normally use in a production environment), and we are running the free versions of SharePoint 2013 Foundation and SQL Server 2013 Express Edition. Moreover, we implement the least privilege SharePoint accounts model and we discuss in detail the permissions that are required or need to be configured in order to have a successful SharePoint RBS configuration.
Quite often, you need to enable RBS for more than one SharePoint content database. As you will see in our demo, the DB preparation steps are different for the second and subsequent SharePoint content databases.
For your convenience, we provide the text file with our project plan and the commands that we are using in the screencast here .